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  • White papers                 
  • Fact sheets                    
  • Testimonials and cases

Fact Sheets & Downloads

Below is a list of our public documents. It is continuously growing so make sure to check for new documents.

Innovative Security Manager in general

Read more about our securty management system.

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Innovative Security Manager at a glance

A list of selected features.

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Fact sheet – Public control rooms

Read about our control room solutions for public emergency management.

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ISM What is new

Innovative Security Manager™ (interVIEW V3.0) marks a giant leap forward. Consequently, we have made a document briefly describing some of the new features, which will automatically be available when upgrading to ISM, as well as the new add-on modules.

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Innovative Security Manager for airports

Read more about our solution for airports.

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Automated ARC Module

Automated ARC is a module, which – in case of an alarm – automatically calls contacts – one by one. This reduces the number of calls to operators at the ARC – without impacting neither security nor service. It makes it possible to increase the number of customers with the same number of employees and also makes it possible for operators to focus on critical alarms.

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White paper – Innovative Security Manager™ for airports

This white paper describes a new solution for optimising and improving the planning and performance of security related tasks at airports.

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Fact sheet – Video ISM

Universal Video Platform (UVP) is a module, which unifies video cameras, video management systems and network video recorders from different manufacturers into a single integrated video platform. This enables the operator to quickly access any video camera on the network to verify alarms directly from within Innovative Security Manager™ (ISM) – regardless of video system. In case of alarm, ISM automatically opens the linked video cameras and an interactive floorplan, showing the exact location of the sensor/detector in the building from which the alarm was generated.

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Fact sheet – Fleet Module

Innovative Security Manager™ (ISM) fleet is a module, which – in addition to being able to show alarms from sites – can also show mobile units (eg vechicles, tablets and handheld alarms) on an interactive map. Consequently, the operator can monitor the mobile units, communicate with them and see their status directly on the map.

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ISM DMI interface

ISM Data Management Interface (DMI) is an API, that makes possible to transfer customer data between CRM systems and ISM.

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Fact sheet – interGATE4

interGATE4 is an app that integrates vehicles with Innovative’s fleet management solution. interGATE4 allows the operator to follow vehicles on the map, send tasks/text messages to the vehicle, assign routes to the vehicle and much more – directly from the map in Innovative Security Manager™ (ISM).

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Fact sheet – map and addresses

Innovative provides maps and addresses based on geodata from the open-source project, OpenStreetMap. This way, Innovative’s maps and addresses are continuously updated by users around the world, thus ensuring that changes and corrections are quickly implemented.

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ISM Campus Security

Receive and handle distress calls from students, faculty members and other personnel. Receive and handle fire alarms, burglars alarms, elevator alarms, technical alarms, etc. Evacuate buildings using mass notification systems. Automatically initiate ”lockdown” procedures by activating relays to close doors, open gates etc.  And much, much more…

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Case study – CPH Airport

The Security Operations Center (SOC) at Copenhagen Airport manages their security operations with Innovative Security Manager™ – a versatile solution for establishing the best operational overview in real-time, optimising incident and resource management through highly automated task registration, efficient resource allocation and execution, automated documentation and data collection for enhanced planning.

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Case study – Danish Police

The Danish National Police receives and manages all their alarms and incidents in Innovative Security Manager™ at all their control centers. Their solution also includes our fleet management module, which tracks and communicates with all vehicles and mobile devices in real-time.

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Case study – Malmö Municipality ARC

Malmö Municipality Alarm Receiving Centre optimises their workflow and capacity with the implementation of Innovative Security Manager™.

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Case study – East Jutland Fire Department

The Fire Department of East Jutland (formerly Aarhus Fire Department) had an urgent requirement for a new monitoring platform, as their current solution could no longer be updated. They were looking for a new, future-proof solution that could improve their efficiency and automatise many of their workflows that were based on manual processes.

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Case study – West Zealand Fire Brigades

With the implementation of Innovative Security Manager™ (ISM), West Zealand Fire Brigades are optimising their control room operations with a minimum of staff, by handling 2600 care calls with one single operator.

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Case study – AVARN Security

After the merger of the two Finnish security companies AVARN Security Oy and Prevent 360 Turvallisuuspalvelut Oy on October 2018, AVARN faced the major challenge of having to combine their management systems and operations into one single platform.

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ISM Installer Access Module

Web module is a browser-based solution, which allows installers to access Innovative Security Manager™ (ISM) data via the internet.

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ISM Solution for Care Calls

The Care Call solution integrates Innovative Security Manager™ (ISM) with different care call systems.

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Technical Specifications

Architecture & Minimum Hardware Requirements.

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ISM for airports and Security Management System (SeMS)

The UK CAA is introducing a formalised, riskdriven framework for integrating security into the daily operations and culture of an airport – the so-called Security Management System (SeMS). Implementing ISM will form a secure platform for managing all security and operational tasks in an airport and also provide a system integral to the components of a security management system such as managing resources, performance monitoring, continuous improvement, change management, and training and education.

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Roger GNSS repeater

A single ROGER GNSS Repeater Package is enough to provide a GPS/GLONASS/GALILEO indoor coverage area of about 1000 square meters and a distance up to 50 meters from the repeater center. Mount the external antenna on the roof of the building and connect the cable supplied with the kit to the antenna and other end to the repeater installed indoors.

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